05/06/2024: Phase dynamics of tunnel Al-based ferromagnetic Josephson junctions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 232601 (2024)
02/05/2024 Nanoscale spin ordering and spin screening effects in tunnel ferromagnetic Josephson junctions, Communication Materials 5, 67 (2024)
30/04/2024 Percolative supercurrent in superconductor-ferromagnetic insulator bilayers
02/02/2024 Mitigating Errors on Superconducting Quantum Processors through Fuzzy Clustering
Talks, Lectures, and Poster from the consortium
20/02/2024 Lecture for high-school students, Francesco Tafuri (in Italian) “Come usare la meccanica quantistica per costruire il futuro e le sue macchine”
Files from the Ferromon project for public download